2013年6月21日 星期五



文章日期:2013-06-21 09:32
美國舊金山紅木國家公園Big Basin State Park
可能會威脅到marbled murrelet的生存

State sued over Big Basin plan and threat to marbled murrelet
Santa Cruz Sentinel (CA), 2013-06-20
June 20--SANTA CRUZ -- An environmental group sued the state Wednesday over
a plan to give Big Basin State Park a makeover, saying the agency should do more to protect an endangered seabird that nests high in the limbs of old-growth redwoods.
The San Francisco-based Center for Biological Diversity filed the suit in Santa Cruz County, alleging State Parks is required by state law to add additional protections for the marbled murrelet, with about half the bird's known nests located within a kilometer of Big Basin's historic park headquarters.
"The murrelet is declining. It's running out of time," said Shaye Wolf, a biologist with the Center for Biological Diversity. "This plan is should have been a turning point, and instead its vague promises."
State Parks strongly defended itself, releasing a lengthy statement outlining efforts to protect the bird. Those included removing once-planned cabins from habitat areas and including language about removing facilities if scientifically justified. The agency said it  "has not failed to protect the
marbled murrelet, but now has written, clear and enforceable guidelines in place for immediate and future actions to preserve the old growth forest and help with murrelet management and recovery."
Approved unanimously last month by the state's Parks & Recreation Commission, the Big Basin General Plan envisions numerous changes for California's first state park. It calls for development in several underused areas, and generally tried to spread visitors throughout the park, moving
the main point of entry to Saddle Mountain and developing Little Basin as a primary destination.
State Parks did not rule out future changes.
"Immediately ceasing all visitor activities within the old-growth area and relocating all facilities within that area is not physically or fiscally possible," the agency said. "But with this general plan, that action remains an alternative for future consideration."
There are about 450 marbled murrelets left in the Santa Cruz Mountains, clustered in Big Basin. But drawn by humans who leave behind food and garbage, ravens and blue jays have attacked murrelet eggs, and are responsible for at least 44 percent and up to 70 percent of nest failures, according to one
Several groups protested the park plan, the first in Big Basin's 111-year history. The Audubon Society and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service both said more should be done to protect the endangered bird.
"We support the components of the lawsuit. They're well-justified," said Anna Weinstein, seabird and marine program manager of Audubon California, which did not join the suit. "People care about this bird, and State Parks chose to ignore scientific consensus, in addition to the voice of the
State Parks has a program to try to control rays and blue jays, and has said it would continue to study the situation. Wolf said the agency could do more, including moving a campground and food
store out of the historic headquarters. The suit cites the California Environmental Quality Act and the California Endangered Species Act. "We want them to do what was required by law, which was commit to mitigation measures for the marbled murrelet," Wolf said.