2013年5月6日 星期一

MPA successful factors成功要素 2001

文章日期:2013-05-06 09:35
1.以菲律賓VISAYAS  45個MPA社區為個案研究對象
3.結論: MPA成功因素包括: 社區人口數、體認到漁業資源減少、成功的轉業計畫、社區高度參與決策、執行機關的持續回饋,以及地方政府的參與。
Pollnac, R. B., Crawford, B. R., & Gorospe, M. L. G. (2001). Discovering factors that influence the success of community-based marine protected areas in the Visayas, Philippines. Ocean & Coastal Management, 44(11–12), 683-710. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0964-5691(01)00075-8
Community-based marine protected areas have become a popular coastal resources management method advocated in many projects and programs. While many case studies have been written about factors contributing to project success, few empirical studies using quantitative methods have been employed. A study was conducted of 45 community-based marine protected areas in Philippines. Several success measures were developed and analyzed in relation to a number of independent variables categorized as contextual or project intervention factors. Correlations between individual factors and the dependent variables are discussed. Stepwise multiple regression was used to determine the most important predictors of success. These included: population size of the community, a perceived crisis in terms of reduced fish populations, successful alternative income projects, high levels of participation in community decision making, continuing advice from the implementing organization and inputs from local government. The implications of these results for policy makers and project managers are discussed.

MPA successful factors成功要素 -1996

文章日期:2013-05-06 09:42

Alder, J. (1996). Have tropical marine protected areas worked? An initial analysis of their success. Coastal Management, 24(2), 97-114. doi:
This article presents an analysis of a survey of the current state of marine protected area (MPA) management and describes possible factors associated with their perceived success throughout the tropics. Considerable progress has been made in the establishment of MPAs in both developing and developed nations, but the formulation and implementation of management plans has lagged behind. Funding, expertise, and lack of information have constrained planning and management of MPAs in several tropical nations. Despite the promotion of ecologically sustainable development and the involvement of local communities or stakeholders within protected areas, few countries incorporate these principles in the management of MPAs. Tropical MPAs are considered to be of limited success by area managers. Several interrelated factors, such as strategic planning and reliance on coastal resources and zoning schemes, may influence the success of these areas.

MPA successful factors 成功要素 -2011

文章日期:2013-05-06 09:53
Pollnac, R., & Seara, T. (2011). Factors influencing success of marine protected areas in the Visayas, Philippines as related to increasing protected area coverage. Environmental Management, 47(4), 584-592.
Throughout the world there is a general consensus among environmentalists that there should be an
increase in the amount of marine area that should be reserved in marine protected areas (MPAs). In fact, the 1998 Philippines Fishery Code indicates a need for designation of at least 15% of municipal waters for fish refuges or sanctuaries. Such an increase in area would take productive fishing areas away from fishing communities that can ill-afford the loss. The larger the protected area, there will be a greater number of people impacted. This article examines the relationship between factors that influence
the success of Community Based MPA (CBMPA) performance in the Visayas, Philippines and their significance in efforts to increase the size of protected areas.

MPA successful factors 成功要素 -2009

文章日期:2013-05-06 10:05
Lowry, G. K., White, A. T., & Christie, P. (2009). Scaling Up to Networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines: Biophysical, Legal, Institutional, and Social Considerations. Coastal Management, 37(3-4), 274-290. doi: 10.1080/08920750902851146
The growing number of marine protected areas (MPAs) globally represents an increasing
interest in marine conservation and fisheries management and the potential of planned
and managed MPA networks as a way of strengthening local management. This study
documents the development of MPA networks in the Philippines and identifies critical
success factors and issues. Methods were field observation by participation in MPA
and fisheries management projects and focused interviews that gathered opinions and
observations of primary MPA network stakeholders in the central Visayas region. Findings show that an MPA network is defined through social and ecological criteria. From
a social perspective, a network is comprised of people and organizations that manage
component MPAs, benefit from the network, and promote the network’s viability through
shared administrative responsibility and information. To qualify as part of an ecological
network, individual MPAs must interact ecologically (e.g., source or sink of larvae and
propagating organisms, protection for habitat, and threatened or endangered species)
to enhance fisheries and biodiversity conservation. The study found that while social
and ecological criteria are shaping MPA networks through science-based planning,
integrated management, and coordination, there exist numerous institutional issues related to scaling up to networks from single MPAs.
 Issues pertain to: limiting access
to resources, boundary delineation, monitoring compliance, finding common goals and
identity, and conflict resolution. Factors correlated with management success included
common institutional processes and legal support, improved understanding of benefits
from a network and improved habitat conditions and fishery yields associated with MPAs

MPA successful factors 成功要素 -2010

文章日期:2013-05-06 10:13
Gleason, M., McCreary, S., Miller-Henson, M., Ugoretz, J., Fox, E., Merrifield, M., . . . Hoffman, K. (2010). Science-based and stakeholder-driven marine protected area network planning: A successful case study from north central California. Ocean & Coastal Management, 53(2), 52-68. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2009.12.001
The planning process for California’s Marine Life Protection Act in north central California represents
a case study in the design of a regional component of a statewide network of marine protected areas
(MPAs) for improved ecosystem protection. We describe enabling factors, such as a legislative mandate,
political will, and adequate capacity and funding
 that fostered a successful planning process. We identify strategic principles that guided the design of a transparent public planning process that delivered
regional MPA network proposals, which both met science guidelines and achieved a high level of support
among stakeholders. We also describe key decision support elements (spatial data, planning tools, and
scientific evaluation) that were essential for designing, evaluating, and refining alternative MPA network
proposals and for informing decision-makers.

MPA successful factors 成功要素 -2009 for Indonesia

文章日期:2013-05-06 10:45


Factors influencing the success of community-based marine protected areas in North Sulawesi Indonesia


The purpose of this research was to examine factors that influence the success of community based marine protected areas in North Sulawesi Indonesia. The research took place in North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. A multi-methods approach was used including administration of a survey questionnaire to a random sample of household respondents, use of secondary data, key informant interviews and direct observations within the field sites. Results demonstrate that community-based management interventions and community responses are complex and varied. Progress in establishing community-based marine protected areas was related to community context and the amount and type of project interventions provided. The role of community organizers was also an influencing factor. Compliance with resource management and conservation rules was related to the distance of the reef area to a settlement. Effective enforcement measures can be tailored to the type of violator and the type of rules. Local rules can be effectively enforced when the violator is from the community. Enforcement is more difficult when the violator is from outside the village. Alternative livelihood strategies provide only a small degree of impact on reducing fishing effort if not coupled with effort restriction or limited entry strategies. Community development interventions play an important role in promoting successful conservation strategies. The dynamic nature of the human ecology of coastal communities defies any form of highly predictive cause and effect linkages assumed in most project logic models Since complexity is inherent in the human component of the ecosystem, the uncertainty of human responses to management interventions requires an adaptive and ecosystems-based management approach. ^

Subject Area

Natural Resource Management|Environmental Sciences|Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture

Recommended Citation

Brian R Crawford, "Factors influencing the success of community-based marine protected areas in North Sulawesi Indonesia" (2009). Dissertations and Master's Theses (Campus Access). Paper AAI3401134.