2011年7月31日 星期日


這篇文章2013年刊在  Coastal Management


 Public Ocean Awareness in Taiwan

研究生游美慧 Mei-hui You

 Taiwan is an island country. In the past, we ignored the resources and the advantages of the surrounding sea because of the traditional ideological mode of mainland. In recent years, because of the increasing attention on protection and conservation on marine resources of international society, Taiwanese government has adopted many marine policies, including strength of marine education, to implement the goal that ocean makes the country prosperous. The main objectives of this study are to investigate the public awareness of marine environment in Taiwan and analyze the perspectives related to marine issues. The samplings are stratified by county on the adult population who are 20-years old in Taiwan (including off-shore islands). The questionnaire was designed in accordance with the awareness of marine governance, marine environment and resources protection, marine resource care and use, and access to the sea and ocean recreational activity. The surveys had completed 1120 telephone interviewees (45.8% male and 54.2% female) during October to December in 2010. Regarding the education, the college graduates has highest percentage of 34.8%. Post-stratification weighting are conducted based on gender, age level and education level. The results showed less than 20% of the public had the knowledge of related policies such as marine national park, coastal cleaning, fishery industry management and etc. The public had higher recognition (66.3%) on marine protection issues such as global warming, oil leak pollution, oceanic garbage. In addition, more than 78.2% express support in prohibiting whale shark fishing and setting up bluefin tuna fishing limits. It means the public take the marine resource and the environment grdadually. Regarding the use of marine resources, 48.4% ate seafood or fishes 3 times a week. However, almost 80% were not familiar with traceability system and eco-label. Regarding the access to the sea capability, 42.2% of the public are capable of swimming; the percentage of male was higher than female. There were around 30% people did not participate on marine recreational activities. It showed there are space for outreach and promotion. This study is the first full survey on the public awareness of marine issues. It is suggested the government could introduce more ocean issues and conservation concept through media. In addition, conduct more ocean education, build public ocean awareness will be positive on the development of marine education and marine policy decision-making.